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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Supakitch & Koralie

Its been a stressful few weeks here at camp VisArts. From organizing the VisArts Exhibition of Staff & Student Artworks, to getting ourselves ready for our annual Foreign Trip to Madrid, we've been so busy that we've almost completely forgotten about our wonderful Blog!
So it was lovely to find a video to remind us of how brilliant the visual arts can be, and its inspired this new blog post.

SUPAKITCH & KORALIE "Euphorie" Paris from Raphaël Hache on Vimeo.

Supakitch & Koralie are French street artists renowned for creating exquisite videos such as these, which show the creative process behind their exceptional work.  A couple both professionally and personally, the duo are well known for their intricate designs which incorporate paper work and more traditional painting to create interwoven images of the fantastical and surreal.

They typically use the same two characters, SupalCapone (the fox figure) and Koralie's Geishka (the spelling is intentional!) who often adapt to their context/setting. Take this video from Mexico, where the couple added details from Mexican culture to their usual designs, giving the Geishka a luchador mask and portraying SupalCapone as a revolutionary.

SUPAKITCH et KORALIE from Filmaciones de la Ciudad on Vimeo.

The pair have recently branched into more traditional art spaces, designing pieces specifically for display in art galleries. For example, they painted a wall at the Världskultur Museum in Sweden - their progress was documented in the video below, and it's arguably one of their best and most intricate works.

You can find more information on the duo at their respective websites, or if you find yourself in New York, why not visit their studio!

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